Time Strategies

With regards to time management, my best piece of advice is to work ahead as well as to divide the work up into small chunks. Trying to do all the assignments in one night is doable but not enjoyable. Spacing out the work and the time spent on the course will lead to the lowest levels of stress.

The Myth of Too Busy
This first article was very interesting as I tend to use the word "busy" to describe my life. It was a new idea to think of myself as prioritizing my time and how sometimes I have to make the tough call on how I spend my time. In the end, there are only 24 hours in the day and how you "prioritize" that time reflects how "busy" you are.

3 Steps to Recapture Time
This second article resonated with me as this idea of meditation in the morning is an idea I have tried in the past. It was very helpful to visualize what tasks I wanted to accomplish that day rather than remembering them as the day went on. The third rule of saying no was quite interesting as it may seem easy to say no to distractions but in reality this is the hardest of the three steps. While studying for a tough exam, any distraction seems better than the task at hand. The best way to go about handling these distractions is to divide up the work at hand and plan out small breaks where you can get away from the work and "reset" your mind. When writing papers, this strategy has proven very effective when I encounter writer's block.

Time management by Max Pixel


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