Topic Research: Hindu fairy tales retold for children

Source: Griswold, Florence, Mrs
The first story I could use is Monkey and the Hollow Canes. The key aspect of this story was an explanation to a natural phenomenon explained through a story about a seemingly impossible scenario that was solved with wit.

The second story I could use is Footsteps in the Air. This story, again was a was Buddha explained how one could track footsteps. This story, however, had more mystical elements to it that opens up the possibility to a more creative retelling of this story.

The last story I could use is May You Live a Hundred Years. Like the others in this collection, the story was a way to describe something we take for granted, such as saying "bless you" after someone sneezes. The structure of these stories (a story within a story) could be replicated in my own story telling.

Photo of Bedtime stories by VPX


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