Week 14 extra reading: Grimm: The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean

This story is part of the Brothers Grimm (LibriVox) unit. Story source: Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm, an audiobook recording available at LibriVox based on a Project Gutenberg publication.

For this weeks extra reading, I wanted to go and read stories from the Brothers Grimm. The story I found the most interesting was The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean. It was a very simple story. It featured three main characters and a simple problem: how to cross the river. When the Straw used himself to create a bridge, everyone was able to walk across. However, the coal got halfway across when fear overcame her. She froze in place and the bridge began to collapse. This threw the remaining people behind her into the river. One person was not on the bridge and saw the whole endeavor. He ultimately met a similar fate when he laughed so hard he exploded. It would be neat to write a story with the same underlying principle with a more realistic setting and set of circumstances. 

Straw Coal And Bean By Walter Crane from Wikipedia


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